If you would like any of these books, please let us know by this Friday. Otherwise they are going to a garage sale.
Words of Wisdom: A Journey Through Psalms and Proverbs (Tyndale Press)
Man of Destiny (A retelling of the Gospels) No author
Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud
The Dead Sea Scriptures: An English Translation by Theodore Gasner
From Paradise to the Promised Land by T.D. Alexander
An Introduction to the Parables of Jesus by Robert Stein
Interpreting the Parables by Craig Blomberg
Poet and Peasant/Through Peasant Eyes by Kenneth Bailey
Teaching of the Epistle to the Hebrews by Geerhardus Vos
Encountering the Old Testament by Bill Arnold and Bryan Beyer
Westminster Confession of Faith, commentary by GI Williamson
An Introduction the New Testament (2 copies available)by Carson, Moo and Morris
A Biblical History of Israel by Provan, Long, and Longman
Ten Secrets for the Man in the Mirror by Patrick Morley
Scripture Twisting by James Sire
Caring Enough to Confront by David Augsburger
Debating Calvinism by Hunt and White
What Love is This? by David Hunt
The Soul of Science by Pearcey and Thaxton
When Science Meets Religion by Ian Barbour
The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard
The Soul of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by Gene Veith.