The past year has given me many reasons to be grateful. Here are some of them, in no particular order.
As a teacher, my years are doubly divided by school years as well as the calendar year. Things that happened last school year but still in 2010 seem so far away. Included in last school year would be the fantastic child care from my trifecta of babysitters: my mom, Kathleen, and Christy. This school year I'm grateful that my mom was able to watch my boy all 3 of my workdays. I am grateful that when I drop him off, he happily waves bye to me (though I wouldn't object to SOME sadness that I'm leaving.)
I'm grateful for the most amazing workplace, bosses, co-workers, students, and families to be found anywhere.
I am grateful that when William had to go in for his emergency appendectomy, he was seen, diagnosed, and operated on in a matter of a few hours. I am grateful for all the people who volunteered to watch Edward, and I am grateful for my friends, who on hearing what happened, dropped everything to come visit and then took me to lunch so I didn't have to eat hospital food.
I am grateful for the miracle God has done in the life of baby Sophia and the bold faith of her parents, which is inspirational.
I am grateful that when William's decrepit Honda broke down, he was able to safely get his car out of the road, and when getting a new car seemed hopeless, God provided through unexpected help via the generosity of dear friends.
I am grateful for Dave Ramsey's book that my mom gave me for Christmas. We started the Total Money Makeover in January and have since paid off all our credit cards and mostly been able to pay cash for emergencies (mostly centered around car trouble.) We're not out of debt yet but the end is in sight.
I am grateful for the body of Christ. Specifically, the people at Pine Ridge PCA where I grew up, the people at Reformation OPC where I've been a member for 5 years now, and for Lake Sherwood OPC, which feels like a second home.
I am grateful for my women's prayer group at ROPC, where we cry, laugh, and eat together. These women have prayed me through so much.
I am grateful that after months of insomnia, the Lord answered the prayers of myself and many friends who were praying for me and granted me sleep.
I am grateful for the faithful preaching of the gospel of Christ that takes place every Sunday in my church.
I am grateful for the new friendships in my LSOPC study group.
I am grateful for facebook and the way it allows my out of town family and other people I don't get to see too often to participate in my family's life.
I am grateful that after looking for a 2nd job for a couple years now, William has finally been hired and will start tutoring soon.
I am grateful that Christ will one day restore all things to the way they ought to be.
I am grateful for my TSBTS and the DT Tuesdays, Netflix recommendations, and other assorted shenanigans.
I am grateful for coupons and Publix.
I am grateful that all the Eggs get to be together for Thanksgiving and in particular for my mom in law who gets to have all her grandkids in one place.
I am grateful that my little brother is having the time of his life at college.
I am grateful for my family and my friends. (That includes you.)
Have a blessed Thanksgiving :)