Monday, May 26, 2014

yes, all women?

So, the hashtag #yesallwomen is trending in response to the murder spree in CA. I don't have a twitter so I can't investigate it too much for myself, but I've read a few articles about what it is. I feel sorry for women who have been victimized by men. Some of the things women have gone through are pretty serious and should never happen, for any reason. But some of the examples of "misogyny" are not, at all. One tweet was complaining that it's a normal thing for women to be asked to text when they get home safely. Ummmm... that's called being a normal concerned human being, not a misogynist. Another was complaining that she can't dress however she wants without guys looking at her. If you don't want guys checking out your rack, then don't have it hanging out. There. I said it. Those things are not on par with rape and sexual abuse. And being offended that someone wants to make sure you got home safe is definitely not on par with being targeted by an actual crazy person who is trying to kill you with a knife. Those tweets marginalize women who actually have been victimized and just make that whole movement look like complete crazy man-hating vitriol-spewing nonsense.

I have been mistreated (not in any major way though) by men at various points in life but I'm not a victim. I've been treated poorly by other women too. Most men I have met are wonderful. Some were immature horn-dogs. Most women I meet are wonderful. Some of them were total harpies. It's a human issue, not a gender issue.

Women can't demand equality via sexual freedom without consequence and then complain that men want sex without consequence. Women can't demand that men respect them and then get mad that men... show them respect. Women can't criticize the sexualization of our culture but then turn around and say that it's ok to have your worldly goods on display and that men shouldn't even look.

It's not fair.

A woman who is grateful for men.