Monday, February 9, 2009

I hate the Orlando Sentinel.

Below is an email I just sent to the customer service department and the editor of the Sentinel. Enjoy.

Dear sir/madam:
I am writing to you because I have been receiving so many phone calls from the subscription department it borders on harassment. I have been receiving these calls off and on for months. Every time, I decline. Last week, Monday evening around 7, I received another phone call asking if I wanted to subscribe for a special offer. I angrily told the salesperson that no, I didn't, I say no every time, and I want to be taken off the phone call list. I have received a phone call from the subscription department every single day since then but have been ignoring them. I answered the phone call from the department this morning, and when cheerfully offered a subscription for a special offer, I told that salesperson no, that I've already said no, and I have already asked to be taken off the call list, so to stop calling me, and I hung up. Please be assured that these sales practices are not effective. Because of these calls, I will never subscribe to the Sentinel, and I plan on telling as many people as I can about these rude, obtrusive phone calls and intrusive sales practices. Take my phone number, [ ], off of your call lists. You will never have my business.

Jessica Eggleston

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