Thursday, August 7, 2014

Why Beachbody

Some people that know me are surprised by how enthusiastic I am about Shakeology and Beachbody. I’ve never been that person to try the next big thing, sign on the dotted line, be a salesperson, throw candle parties, or whathaveyou. The only reason I hosted a makeup party recently was because the money went to my friend’s adoption. My standard answer when anyone asks if I want to make extra money by easy sales my answer is always, always “no thank you.”

At the beginning of the summer I was looking for a way to make some extra income, and if you know me at all I’m sure you know I have a half-marathon looming. My friend Kelli Buzzard asked if I’d be interested in being a Beachbody coach. I knew she’d been a coach for awhile, and faithfully used their workout programs and drank Shakeology. The only reason I didn’t say no right away was because I know her. She wasn’t going to try to rip me off, and I’ve seen her success over the past few years. I watched the videos, read some links, read all the fine print on what it takes to be a coach. Something that impressed me is that the company is very open that nothing happens overnight. Your workout results are going to come from putting in the hard work every day, and from making better choices about what you eat. Being a coach is about developing relationships, being proof that this stuff works, and helping others find a program that will fit their lifestyle and personality. This seemed like a perfect opportunity for me. I could make a little extra money, and improve my fitness at the same time. No one’s going to be coming to me to select workout programs and get advice if I can’t honestly speak to the effectiveness of what I’m offering. As a coach, there are no minimums I have to reach with sales or signing people up to remain a coach. There are ways to advance through those avenues but no one’s going to fire me or penalize me if I don’t go that route.

Drinking Shakeology for the past almost-2 months now has played a huge part in my transformation. It’s a superfood shake with natural protein, so it’s filling and incredibly healthy. I drink it for workout recovery but you can also use it for meal replacement. (Warning: I’m about to sound like an infomercial.) Y’all. This is not a magic potion, I don’t think, but since drinking it I have no desire to eat sweets or fried food, which is my go-to junk craving. There are certain times related to stress and hormones where I’d go to extreme lengths for a freshly baked brownie or a piece of fried chicken, but that hasn’t happened to me since I started Shakeology. I just don’t want it. It has made me a healthier person.

I set up my GingerB’s Health and Fitness page, and post my workout pictures on Instagram, in part because having accountability and encouragement is what keeps me going. A couple years ago when I was getting ready for a 5K I would post about my runs on facebook, and if I didn’t post for awhile, there were several students who would ask if I’d been out lately and how I was doing. That meant so much to me. Knowing they were going to ask made me get back out there. On the flip side, I also hope to be an encouragement to other people. I hope people will see what I'm doing and think "If she can, I can!"

Until a few months ago I’d honestly really given up on the idea that my post-baby belly would ever go away, that I’d ever be a faster runner (though I was still training), and that I’d ever be wearing clothes smaller than an 8 or 10. (Down from a 12 just after having by youngest baby.) At the end of last school year when I thought I’d be that size forever I splurged on a nice-fitting pair of jeans from GAP. 2 months later, I wore them to teacher training and one of my friends saw how big they were and told me I needed new pants. You can check out the links at the bottom of this post to see some of my before/after/progress photos. 

So listen. I have small kids. I teach high school. I take care of my house (sometimes.) I have church, Bible study, friends, family, and all kinds of other things going on. I understand busy. I understand tired. I understand thinking things won’t change. But I was wrong. I’m a better runner because I’m stronger and healthier. I feel good. And being strong physically has helped me get some things together mentally. I’m so grateful that just 2 months ago, Kelli asked if I’d be interested in this and patiently answered all my questions. 

If you are looking for help finding a workout plan that will fit your life, please let me help you and then encourage you along the way. If you also might be interested in being a coach, I’d love to talk more about what that means. 

Thank you for reading, and thank you for the support. Every “like” and comment makes me smile, and I hope that on my journey as a coach, I can give that back to others.

Monday, May 26, 2014

yes, all women?

So, the hashtag #yesallwomen is trending in response to the murder spree in CA. I don't have a twitter so I can't investigate it too much for myself, but I've read a few articles about what it is. I feel sorry for women who have been victimized by men. Some of the things women have gone through are pretty serious and should never happen, for any reason. But some of the examples of "misogyny" are not, at all. One tweet was complaining that it's a normal thing for women to be asked to text when they get home safely. Ummmm... that's called being a normal concerned human being, not a misogynist. Another was complaining that she can't dress however she wants without guys looking at her. If you don't want guys checking out your rack, then don't have it hanging out. There. I said it. Those things are not on par with rape and sexual abuse. And being offended that someone wants to make sure you got home safe is definitely not on par with being targeted by an actual crazy person who is trying to kill you with a knife. Those tweets marginalize women who actually have been victimized and just make that whole movement look like complete crazy man-hating vitriol-spewing nonsense.

I have been mistreated (not in any major way though) by men at various points in life but I'm not a victim. I've been treated poorly by other women too. Most men I have met are wonderful. Some were immature horn-dogs. Most women I meet are wonderful. Some of them were total harpies. It's a human issue, not a gender issue.

Women can't demand equality via sexual freedom without consequence and then complain that men want sex without consequence. Women can't demand that men respect them and then get mad that men... show them respect. Women can't criticize the sexualization of our culture but then turn around and say that it's ok to have your worldly goods on display and that men shouldn't even look.

It's not fair.

A woman who is grateful for men.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Things Floridians Shouldn't Do

Drive 40 down Hiawassee.
Drive 80 down Apopka Vineland.
Slam on your brakes and hope someone lets you in when you’re merging on I4.
Back into your parking space in the Pointe Orlando parking garage. (Or any parking garage.)
Put your hazards on in the rain. RAIN IS NOT AN EMERGENCY.
Drive down I-Drive if you can possibly help it.
Go to Disney in the summer.
Complain about how hot it is. (Hello… it’s Florida.)
Complain about the rain. (Hello… it’s Florida.)
Complain about the lack of rain. (Hello… well you get the point.)
Complain about the cold. (If you’ve lived here over 2 years, you know it does in fact get cold. Buy a jacket!)
Buy theme park tickets anywhere but the theme park itself.
Tip poorly.
Match someone’s speed as you drive next to them down a busy road at rush hour. Or ever.
Feed the alligators.
Feed the birds.
Call John Morgan.
Skip the sunscreen.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Soaked in grace.

In the past couple months I’ve really had to struggle through things I’ve had to give up in order to follow the calls God has placed on my life. I’m a Presbyterian, so I don’t say very often that God “told” me to do anything (half-kidding…) but when the still, small voice of God impresses something on me in answer to prayer, it couldn’t be more clear. Hopefully I’m not shocking any of my friends with this. I can count on one hand the number of times that I KNOW God told me something, as opposed to timely advice from friends, Scripture, pastoral wisdom, etc. So when that happens, I know I have no choice but to obey. In that path, though, I haven’t always been wise, so I’m so grateful for people in my life that are wiser than me. I’ve received two pieces of advice in response to difficult situations, both stemming from my attempts at obeying what I know God has told me to do.

One was a firm reminder that I am not anyone’s savior. It was the best thing I could have heard at the time. It hasn’t changed much outwardly, but it has helped me check my perspective and motivation. It was freeing. Through all my roles in life, wife, mother, teacher… there are things I give up that I will never get back. I’m not saying that for sympathy, it’s just the truth. No one could give those things back to me, and I don’t want them back. I give them up because I am walking in His calling. I give those things up because I am not my own savior. I am not anyone else’s savior. Jesus Christ alone is the Savior. If He wants to use my efforts, He will, but not because of my righteousness. Because of His. And whether I ever see fruit from those labors, it doesn’t matter, because God will work what He wills. In all of this, God is refining me in the fire.

Another piece of advice I received after someone said something insulting to me about being a working mom was along the lines of “If you’re doing what you know God wants you to do, who cares what anyone else says about it?” So true. If I was in this for adulation, I wouldn’t be a teacher. My kids are happy and they are well taken care of when I’m not around. And I can’t imagine doing anything else. I have two biological kids on this earth and I’ve had hundreds of “kids” via my classroom through the years. What a blessing.

This past week I’ve been really content. Happy. For no real reason. Nothing earth-shattering happened; my usual difficulties and the subtext of my life right now are still in full force. But it’s ok. I have become less and Christ has become more. I heard this song today and it captures why I can have joy when people question my decisions: who I’ve chosen to pour my life into, and how, and how much. I am soaked in grace.