Thursday, January 31, 2013

God moves in a mysterious way.

Many of you know (or maybe you don’t) that we got in a fender-bender last week on the way to work. No injuries, minimal damage to both cars, the guy William ran into on I-4 was amazingly nice and understanding about it. The worst part, initially, is that it was Generations Day for homecoming week and William and I were dressed up as old people. If you saw the picture on facebook, imagine my chagrin at having to hand the policewoman my license and explain my outfit. Then my dad came to get me so I wouldn’t be horribly late to work, and I had to walk down the side of I4 in rush hour in my old lady outfit, complete with a stuffed cat and cane. I missed my whole first period class, which I’m still trying to get caught up, and I was angry with William all day because the accident was his fault. My being upset was compounded by him telling me he didn’t know why I was angry because it’s not like he did it on purpose and everything was fine, which of course made me more mad. I eventually calmed down but it was not happy times for the Eggs that day.

We have been on Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover plan for 3 years, slowly but surely paying off debt, living on a shoestring, saving money wherever we can, experiencing setbacks with medical emergencies, car problems, AC problems… and not using credit. I haven’t used a credit card since the end of 2009. Once William got hired full time at Virtual School, we knew the end was in sight for paying off our debt. We have been living like before and putting literally everything we make at ICS and everything William makes teaching at Reformation Bible College toward paying off our debt. Last fall we projected getting out of debt in May of this year. Then it moved to April. Then it moved to late March. I have been praying that we would somehow get out of debt even quicker than that. The Lord has blessed us beyond belief with good work to earn money, and He is gracious, and I laid this burden at His feet. A couple weeks ago we did our taxes and our estimated debt-free date moved up to late February/early March. I have still been praying that God would somehow make a way for us finish our payments sooner.

Well, last week the insurance guy came to look at the Avenger to assess the damages. It’s minor body damage only, no mechanical damage, no need for a rental, no reason to not drive the car around, and they sent us a check for the cost of the repairs.  A big fat check.  After 3 long years of a $50/week grocery budget, limited “fun” money, building up then having to drain our emergency fund, counting every penny…. we should be out of debt in 3 weeks. God answered my prayer by allowing a minor car accident. In a couple months we will pay cash to get the car repaired, after basking in financial freedom. We will no longer be shackled to Wells Fargo.

From “God Moves in a Mysterious Way” by William Cowper

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flow’r.