Friday, March 6, 2009

The week from h-e-double-hockey-sticks

Hey friends
This has been a pretty drama-filled week in the Eggleston house, and I know some have heard bits and pieces, and some have heard that worse has been happening than actually has, so I wanted to give everyone the scoop.
I woke up in the wee hours Monday morning throwing up, and by Monday night it hadn't stopped, so at about 9:30 I went to the ER. They sent me straight up to the maternity floor, where I was strapped to monitors for me and for Edward. I was having contractions, though I couldn't feel them, which of course concerned the nurse. She then gave me 2 bags of IV fluids and some anti nausea meds and drew lots of blood. The meds didn't really do anything, but the IV fluid was WONDERFUL. It made my arm cold and it felt refreshing. After that I started to feel human again and the contractions settled down. We went home by way of Walgreens to pick up an anti-nausea scrip, which worked wonders. We got home at 5 AM Tuesday morning. William and I were both exhausted and slept the day away. William subbed for me Wednesday and I rested some more.
Yesterday I was on my home from picking up an antibiotic prescription when I got a voicemail from my doctor. He said he didn't like my bloodwork at all and I needed to pack a bag and head to labor and delivery immediately. I can't even put into words how terrified I was. All I could do was pray "God, don't let anything happen to my baby. Protect my baby." Over and over. I called William at work, scaring the high school secretary to death I'm sure because I was very close to slipping off the edge of hysteria. He called my mom to come get me, he got a ride to the hospital from another teacher (thanks again, Shelly!), and my dad talked me through packing my bag to give me something to focus on. Joy prayed with me on the phone, and a little while later, I was on my way with my mom to Labor and Delivery at Florida Hospital. When I got there, William, Shelly, my dad and I think every doctor on the floor was there to greet me. After a little more hysterical crying from me, Dr. Cacciatore (which gave me something else to think about b/c it made me think of chicken) explained that some of my lab work was abnormal and they were going to run some more tests and please don't cry! Nurse Gwen took me into a room and once again I was strapped to monitors. These also showed I was having contractions, but the nurse said it could have been brought on by the stress of getting a voice mail like I got. I still didn't feel them. I've learned in all of this that my son is already a rascal. He wouldn't be still enough for them to get a good heart rate measurement, and in fact, he would punch the monitor and move away. Dr. C and Nurse Gwen made me feel much calmer, and then I had to give more blood while they checked various things. The test that my regular doctor didn't like was that my liver functions were elevated. This can be a sign of preeclempsia and other bad things, but praise God, it turned out I don't have those things. My blood pressure is low and everything is where it is supposed to be at this point. (I won't go too TMI on you there. I'll just say getting those things checked is NOT FUN.) I'm not in imminent danger of early labor or anything. Because it was none of the bad stuff that caused my abnormal liver test, it may be just because of all the throwing up and tylenol of this week. I have another test next week to confirm that everything is still ok.
So that's the scoop!
I want to thank everyone for the calls, support, meals, and mostly, for all the prayer. Even in the midst of all the misery, it's been a blessing to see the love of God's people poured out on me, William, and Edward.

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