Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Today, I

*Did not have my first day of school for Tue/Th. track because of the non-event of the Tropical Storm humorously named Fay.

*Ate breakfast at Le Peep and saw a rabid possum running through the parking lot. 

*Realized my Shurley grammar lesson plans make approximately 0 sense, but I at least understand what they were supposed to say so I can fix them and not appear like a bumbling moron to my parents.  

*Forgot to buy candy at Target.

*Felt skinny. 

*Typed things for work. 

*Almost smashed my computer with a sledgehammer, before I thought better of it and just used William's to get what I needed done.

*Walked to get the mail in my raincoat even though it was barely drizzling. I wanted to put my rainboots on as well but it was too much effort. 

*Remembered that the weight of the world is not on my shoulders. 

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